Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Instructor Amber Edwards
Amber Edwards
•Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Instructor
•Basic Pistol Certified (NRA)
•Criminal Information Technician
Amber has been teaching classes for Rocky Mountain Gun Show for over 2 years now, she will make sure her students leave her classroom feeling 100% comfortable and confident with the familiarity of a weapon, knowledge of how to handle weapons in a safe way , skill and concealed carry practices.
Hi John, these picture and BIO are of Amber Edwards, our CCW Instructor. I am wondering if you can incorporate this Info and pics into the Facebook, webpage, and other material you post?
She is absolutely a Rock Star! Seriously does a good job for us.
I know you already have your CCW Permit, but you should come down to the next show at Mnt America Expo Center in July and check out the class. Always good to have a refresher. You can check out the site as well while you are there. Killer prices on ammo which everyone always needs.